Fortune Cookies (COOKIE)
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Bake NEKO tokens into Fortune Cookies (COOKIE) via the Fortune Factory to access key platform rewards. COOKIE is an NEP-141 token that can be exchanged 1:1 back to NEKO any time. NEKO token rewards and fees are fed into the Fortune Cookie Vault, growing the value of COOKIE overtime.
There is a small fee to bake NEKO into COOKIE. The baking fee is deposited into the Fortune Cookie Vault and distributed to staked COOKIE. Baking fees help foster long-term engagement with the vault because staked COOKIE is at a small loss until NEKO is earned to cover the baking fee.
Deposit 1 NEKO token into Fortune Factory = 1 Fortune Cookie - Fee
Deposit 1 Fortune Cookie into Fortune Factory = 1 NEKO
The NEKO Initial Farm Offering (IFO) is hosted from the Fortune Cookie Vault. Starting at mainnet launch, users that stake COOKIE will earn 5% (500 Million) of the total NEKO token supply over 6 months. This promotional event will encourage users en masse to bake NEKO into COOKIE; facilitating long term participation with the NEKO ecosystem.